Aaron’s First Road Trip

Since Labor day weekend was a long weekend Daddy decided to take me on a road trip to Appacha’s elder brothers house in Monrovia, MD.

I spent all the time in the car sleeping… when I got to Kunjmon Appachen I met Philip Thomas Iype my second cousin…

Dawn Aunty, Phil, Amma & I

Dawn Aunty, Phil, Amma & I

Yes, Phil and I can both sit

Yes, Phil and I can both sit

Come on Phil let's play

Come on Phil let's play

Later that evening Daddy Second cousin Jinu Uncle, Biju Uncle Chinnu Aunty and Appacha’s cousin Kunjmariamma Ammachi and Babu Appachen came over with Sara, my third cousin…

Sara chechi reading a book that Dawn Aunty & Pete Uncle gave me

Sara chechi reading a book that Dawn Aunty & Pete Uncle gave me

Then on Sunday evening we went to Amma’s Cousin, Praveen Uncle’s, house… there we met Praveen Uncle, Seena Aunty, Michelle Chechi and Maybelle Chechi

I now can sit and then try to crawl

I now can sit and then try to crawl

Michelle Chechi, Maybelle Chechi & I

Michelle Chechi, Maybelle Chechi & I

Another Wedding – California Here I Come

So two weekends ago I got on a Plane for the 7th time to go to Los Angeles… We went to LA to attend the wedding of Preethi Aunty and Philip Uncle… I had met them before at Chacko Uncle’s wedding.

When we got to LA we met up with Appachen and Ammachi and drove to Arcadia… The next day morning after we all got ready for the wedding, we took some pictures…

Appachen, Ammachi & I

Appachen, Ammachi & I

At the church we met Amma’s friend from Bahrain Sanju Aunty, Priji Uncle, Robin Achachen, and Richie Achachen.


Amma, Sanju Aunty, Robin Achachen, and Richie Achachen

Babu Appachen walking Preethi Aunty down the Aisle

Babu Appachen walking Preethi Aunty down the Aisle

I got to meet Chacko Uncle and Shila Aunty whose wedding I attended in June…

Chacko Uncle and Shila Aunty

Chacko Uncle and Shila Aunty

After the wedding while we were waiting for Preethi Aunty & Philip Uncle to come back for the pictures I was chatting with Chacko Uncle…

Chacko Uncle, Shila Aunty, Maria Aunty, Amma & I

Chacko Uncle, Shila Aunty, Maria Aunty, Amma & I

After the wedding we went to the reception…

Preethi Aunty and Philip Uncle Leaving the Church after the wedding

Preethi Aunty and Philip Uncle Leaving the Church after the wedding

So it is said that Dad can sleep through anything… so it is no surprise that I can take a nap at a wedding reception even when there all this commotion around me

Taking a nap

Taking a nap

Well folks that’s it for this trip… see you all back in New York…

Mmmm Solid Food

At the last checkup I weighed in at 13 pounds and measured 26 inches…  I am also now categorized as a supported sitter…  The doctor suggested that I be given solid food twice daily…  So Amma got some rice cereal and below are a few pictures from my first feed…

MMM  Rice Cereal is Yum

MMM Rice Cereal is Yum

Amma I can feed myself

Amma I can feed myself

Daddy, I am hungry

Daddy, I am hungry

Also I have started to crawl…

My First attempt at crawlling

My First attempt at crawling

Aaron goes to India

Hello everyone… I just came back from Kerala.  While I was there I was baptized and I also got to attend my Uppappan’s wedding.

Just Arrived at my Appachen's House

Just Arrived at my Appachen's House

I got to meet my Appacha & Ammachi… Appacha and I had a good time

Telling Appacha all about my flight

Telling Appacha all about my flight

My Amma says that I look like my Uppappan… she often wonders if that is a curse or a boon…

Uppappan & I sharing a joke

Uppappan & I sharing a joke

The day we landed there Babuappachen, Kochammachy & Veena Aunty came to visit me…

Veena Aunty, Babuappachen & Kochammachy

Veena Aunty, Babuappachen & Kochammachy

While I was there Appacha took me for walks around the house…

Appacha & I

Appacha & I

Ammachi & I

Ammachi & I

The next day we went to see my great grand parents…

Four Generations

Four Generations

Great Grand Parents, Ammachi and I

Great Grand Parents, Ammachi and I

Given that there are far too many mosquitoes in Kerala, Appacha got me this cool mosquito net

Mosquito Net

Mosquito Net

I got to hang out at home for the next couple of days…

Chatting with Appacha, Ammachi and Uppappen

Chatting with Appacha, Ammachi and Uppappen

And then it was time for my baptism

Ready to head to Church

Ready to head to Church

Let's go

Let's go



First Communion

First Communion

Amma, Daddy and I after the baptism

Amma, Daddy and I after the baptism

The next day was my Uppappen’s wedding… so many of Daddy’s cousins came to Appacha’s house in the evening and so I had a fun time playing with a lot of my second cousins…

Playing with my second cousins and aunts

Playing with my second cousins and aunts

In the morning once Amma, Daddy and I were dressed we got to take a Picture with my Uppappen.

Daddy, Uppappen, Amma & I

Daddy, Uppappen, Amma & I

And then after the wedding we took a picture with my new kochamma…

Amma, Kochamma, Uppappen, Daddy & I

Amma, Kochamma, Uppappen, Daddy & I

The day after the wedding I got to ride on a Train as we went to Thiruvanthapuram.

Wow this is cool

Wow this is cool

In Thirvanthapuram, I met Amma’s Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and my also my second cousin Mellisa.

Leelamma Ammachi, Mellisa Chechi & I

Leelamma Ammachi, Mellisa Chechi & I

Then the next morning, we went to Kayankullam

Ammachi, Elamma Ammachi, Amma, Kochayan Appachen & I

Ammachi, Elamma Ammachi, Amma, Kunjmon Appachen & I

And then it was time to head back to the New York… so we got some additional pictures.

Ammachi, Appachen & I

Ammachi, Appachen & I

Uppappen, Kochamma, Ammachi, Appachen, Amma, Daddy & I

Uppappen, Kochamma, Ammachi, Appachen, Amma, Daddy & I

Daddy, Amma & I

Daddy, Amma & I

Aaron Rollsover

For the last couple of days I have had this urge to roll over so that I can start to crawl… I finally got the hang of it today… now to master this crawling thing….

Aaron’s first Flight

This past weekend I got to get on an airplane for the first time. Daddy decided that I would get a seat for myself…

Aaron enjoying a chat with Amma on the flight

Aaron enjoying a chat with Amma on the flight

I got to meet my Appachan & Ammachi again after nearly three months… Appachen & Ammachi had a great time playing with me…

Appachan & Aaron enjoying a chat at the hotel

Appachan & Aaron enjoying a chat at the hotel

Amma, Aaron & Ammachi discussing the breakfast

Amma, Aaron & Ammachi discussing the breakfast

So the reason for the flight was that I was a guest (the youngest one at that) at the wedding of my uncle Chacko George. We flew to New Orleans for the wedding.

Chacko Uncle & Shila Aunty

Chacko Uncle & Shila Aunty

Also during this trip I got to meet lots of my relatives from Amma’s family…

Lali Ammachi & Aaron

Lali Ammachi & Aaron

Babu Appachan & Aaron

Babu Appachan & Aaron

Jacobkutty Appachen & Kunji Ammachi

Jacobkutty Appachen & Kunji Ammachi

Maria Aunty & Preethi Aunty

Maria Aunty & Preethi Aunty

A long overdue update

hello everyone… its been a long while since daddy last updated this blog…  Since the last update we have had quite a few vistors… Nija Aunty & Jibu Uncle visited me on April 25th…

Nija Aunty & Jibu Uncle

Nija Aunty & Jibu Uncle

Also on April 25th Beena Aunty came with Regina chechi & Richard achachen…  Regina chechi was very thrilled to be able to hold me…

Beena Aunty & Regina Chechi

Beena Aunty & Regina Chechi

Regina Chechi

Regina Chechi

On Sunday Amma & Daddy decided they wanted to dress me up…

Big Boy Aaron

Big Boy Aaron

On Sunday May 2nd Daddy took me to the park across from our apartment…

Sliver Lake Park

Sliver Lake Park

On 5/9 Jessica Chechi and Joel Achachen came down from Boston with their Nanni & Sunny Uncle, Annie Aunty.

Jessica Chechi & Annie Aunty

Jessica Chechi & Annie Aunty

Here is a video of me and Amma chatting before Daddy left for the Office.

Well folks time for me to go to sleep now…

Week Two & Three

Daddy has been very busy with a work project and hence the delay in this post.

Amma & Aaron

Amma & Aaron

Fr. Williams, Abey Uncle, Shiji Aunty, Jokuttan visited us on Monday 3/30.

A Four AM wakeup call

A Four AM wakeup call

Jacob Uncle, Shobha Aunty, Roshini Chechi, Divya Chechi & Serena Chechi came over on Saturday 4/4.  Aaron got a cool Picture frame to hold pictures for every month of his first year. Also on Saturday Cousin Jadon came with his mum and dad and had some fun playing with a helium balloon pacifier.

Cousin Jadon & Aaron

Cousin Jadon & Aaron

Cousin Jadon

Cousin Jadon

On Sunday 4/6 Ammachi was to fly back to Chicago, but since the flight was cancelled she got to spend one more night in New York with Aaron.

Ammachi & Aaron

Ammachi & Aaron

On Monday 4/6 we had a visit with the Doctor to see if Aaron was doing fine… and indeed he is… he was back 7.9 Pounds.

Two weeks old

Two weeks old

Easter Sunday was a busy day as there were a lot of visitors from the Church.  Jason Uncle, Princy Aunty, Moses chachen & Amos chachen came in.  Following them came Anil Uncle & Manju Aunty and Shaji Uncle and Jiji Aunty.  Then later in the evening we had Philip Uncle, Grace Aunty, Sherin Chechi and Merin Chechi visiting us.

After all the visitors, Aaron had his first tub bath.

In the Tub

In the Tub

The rest of this past week Aaron spent time at home with Amma & Kochamma

Amma & Aaron

Amma & Aaron