Week Two & Three

Daddy has been very busy with a work project and hence the delay in this post.

Amma & Aaron

Amma & Aaron

Fr. Williams, Abey Uncle, Shiji Aunty, Jokuttan visited us on Monday 3/30.

A Four AM wakeup call

A Four AM wakeup call

Jacob Uncle, Shobha Aunty, Roshini Chechi, Divya Chechi & Serena Chechi came over on Saturday 4/4.  Aaron got a cool Picture frame to hold pictures for every month of his first year. Also on Saturday Cousin Jadon came with his mum and dad and had some fun playing with a helium balloon pacifier.

Cousin Jadon & Aaron

Cousin Jadon & Aaron

Cousin Jadon

Cousin Jadon

On Sunday 4/6 Ammachi was to fly back to Chicago, but since the flight was cancelled she got to spend one more night in New York with Aaron.

Ammachi & Aaron

Ammachi & Aaron

On Monday 4/6 we had a visit with the Doctor to see if Aaron was doing fine… and indeed he is… he was back 7.9 Pounds.

Two weeks old

Two weeks old

Easter Sunday was a busy day as there were a lot of visitors from the Church.  Jason Uncle, Princy Aunty, Moses chachen & Amos chachen came in.  Following them came Anil Uncle & Manju Aunty and Shaji Uncle and Jiji Aunty.  Then later in the evening we had Philip Uncle, Grace Aunty, Sherin Chechi and Merin Chechi visiting us.

After all the visitors, Aaron had his first tub bath.

In the Tub

In the Tub

The rest of this past week Aaron spent time at home with Amma & Kochamma

Amma & Aaron

Amma & Aaron

Weekend vistors

This was first weekend for Aaron.

Aaron in his crib

Aaron in his crib

He started the weekend chilling with Apachen.

Aaron with Appachen

Aaron with Appachen

Later on Saturday he had a surprise visit from Amma’s Cousins, Praveenchayan, Seenachechi, Michelle & Maybelle from Fairfax, VA.

Aaron with Praveenchayan et al

Aaron with Praveenchayan et al

On Sunday Daddy’s cousins Moncychachen, Uduchachen and Neethu bhabhi visted.

Aaron goes home

Aaron decided that he had enough of the hospital today morning.  He changed into blue stripe onsie and promptly went to sleep when he was put in the car seat.

Aaron in th car seat - Awake

Aaron in the car seat - Awake

Aaron in th car seat - Asleep

Aaron in the car seat - Asleep

Once he was home he met Ammachi & Appachen

Ammachi, Aaron & Appachen

Ammachi, Aaron & Appachen

Finally all of us with Aaron

Amma Ammachi, Aaron, Appachen & Daddy

Amma Ammachi, Aaron, Appachen & Daddy

First full day at the Hospital

Stop for Turkey Crossing

Stop for Turkey Crossing

Daddy’s arrival at the hospital was delayed today by a group of wild turkey crossing the street near the hospital.

Aaron spent all of yesterday with his Amma & Daddy except for the duration of general visiting hours.  He had his hearing tested and the test came back good.  During the day he had a few vistors, Neethu bhabi and Beena chechi, Regi chayan, Regina & Richard.

Here is a small video of Aaron when he was awake.

Aaron and Amma

Aaron and Amma

Aaron with his Amma

Aaron Kurian Thomas Arrives

Hello everybody, Aaron Kurian Thomas was born today, Monday, March 23, 2009 at 3:12 PM.  He was 7 Pounds & 9 Ounces and 21 Inches Tall.  Aaron and Amma (mummy) are both doing fine.  Daddy is at home counting the hours before he gets to see Aaron again.

First Picture

First Picture