First Beach Outing – Great Kills Beach

So living in Staten Island means, I can head out to the beach anytime… We did just that on Memorial Day…  We went to the Great Kills National Park on Staten Island… Here are a few pictures.

Just getting Started

Just getting Started

Let me go-- I want to sit in the water

Let me go-- I want to sit in the water

Sea water is fun

Sea water is fun

Playing in the sand

Playing in the sand

Sand is fun

Sand is fun

Well that was all I did on my first trip to the beach… can’t wait for the next trip…

My First Birthday

I turned one on the 23rd… My first birthday was long one… Amma, Daddy, Kochamma & I celebrated it at home on the 23rd by cutting a cake…

Cake 1

Cake 1

Cake 1 - Amma & I

Cake 1 - Amma & I

Cake 1 - Daddy & I

Cake 1 - Daddy & I

Cake 1 - Kochamma & I

Cake 1 - Kochamma & I

Cake 1 - Daddy, Amma & I

Cake 1 - Daddy, Amma & I

Then the next day we flew to Chicago to Appacha & Ammachy’s house…  The next day we stayed home and made merry. On Friday we visited Caleb and Aiden Acchachen’s house… I got to play with their toys..

Caleb and Aiden Acchachen's Toys

Caleb and Aiden Acchachen's Toys

Aiden Acchachen and I

Aiden Acchachen and I

Jay Aunty, Aiden Acchachen & I

Jay Aunty, Aiden Acchachen & I

Later in the evening Appacha’s Brother from Iowa came over…

The next day Appacha’s Cousin also came home so we had another party…

Birthday at Appacha and Ammachy's House

Birthday at Appacha and Ammachy's House

Cake 2

Cake 2

Appacha, Appacha's Cousin & I

Appacha, Appacha's Cousin & I

Cake 2 - Ready to cut it

Cake 2 - Ready to cut it

Cake 2 - Candle blown (thanks Appacha, Ammachi and Amma)

Cake 2 - Candle blown (thanks Appacha, Ammachi and Amma)

Cake 2 - Cake Cut

Cake 2 - Cake Cut

On Sunday we went to the Church…

Appacha & I

Appacha & I

Appacha, Kochappacha and I

Appacha, Kochappacha and I

At Church

At Church

Later in the evening Caleb & Aiden Achachen came over and so we got to play again…

Yes we like to play

Yes we like to play

Finally a picture of all of us

Finally a picture of all of us

Group Picture

Group Picture

On Monday Daddy decided to take the scissors to my hair…

Second Hair Cut

Second Hair Cut

And on Tuesday we flew back to New York…  That was the weeklong first birthday for me…

A day in the park

So it was nice day today… and since Daddy and I were home alone… Daddy took me for a stroll in the park…

Ready for my trip to the park

Ready for my trip to the park

Once we got to the Park, Daddy felt that it was a little colder than he thought so he wrapped me up…

Wrapped up in the park

Wrapped up in the park

but I like the cold and so when I made a fuss to unwrap me Daddy did… so I gave him a flying kiss (femanna — that is in Mandarin??) (Yea, I know some Mandarin)

Femmana - Flying Kiss

Femmana - Flying Kiss

Oh and by the way I now have two teeth…

Two Pearly whites

Two Pearly whites

well so long folks… more soon

A big boy at almost 11 months

Hey everyone… It has been a very long time since the last update… I am now close to 11 months old…  I have now two pearly whites – one showing clearly and the other waiting to come out…

pearly whites

pearly whites

pearly whites

pearly whites

I have also grown taller… almost 30 inches… so I can now reach most things at home…

Coke anybody

Coke anybody

Oh and by the way I am learning to use the potty…  I like to read while I am on the potty…

Big Boy - I use the Potty now

Big Boy - I use the Potty now

Big Boy - I use the Potty now

Big Boy - I use the Potty now

Six months old

Well I am now six months old… I am 26 inches tall, I weigh 14 pounds…

I am able to sit without support…

See I can sit on my own...

See I can sit on my own...

I can hold onto things and stand…

The couch is perfect hight to hold onto and stand

The couch is perfect hight to hold onto and stand


The superyard XT gives me enough room to play and also allows me to stand up

The superyard XT gives me enough room to play and also allows me to stand up

Here a short video of me and Daddy playing…

Mmmm Solid Food

At the last checkup I weighed in at 13 pounds and measured 26 inches…  I am also now categorized as a supported sitter…  The doctor suggested that I be given solid food twice daily…  So Amma got some rice cereal and below are a few pictures from my first feed…

MMM  Rice Cereal is Yum

MMM Rice Cereal is Yum

Amma I can feed myself

Amma I can feed myself

Daddy, I am hungry

Daddy, I am hungry

Also I have started to crawl…

My First attempt at crawlling

My First attempt at crawling

Aaron Rollsover

For the last couple of days I have had this urge to roll over so that I can start to crawl… I finally got the hang of it today… now to master this crawling thing….